Gina Greenlee, Margaret H. Greenberg March 15, 2024

2022 New York Times Diversity and Inclusion Report

We love that The New York Times Company has drawn a direct line between a racially equitable workplace and its core business strategy.
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Gina Greenlee, Margaret H. Greenberg March 11, 2024

Racial Equity Business Case: The New York Times Company

"Building a Culture That Works for All of Us" was created, and is being implemented with an Organizational Development lens, not in program, department or training silos.
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Gina Greenlee, Margaret H. Greenberg August 30, 2022

Is DEI Relevant Outside of the United States?

The headline question is one we received at a business conference in Montreal. Our short answer: Absolutely. The longer answer: we both were born and raised in the U.S. So, much of the focus in The Business of Race is on racial dynamics in businesses in our country of origin. Neither of us is in […]
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Gina Greenlee, Margaret H. Greenberg May 24, 2022

Workplace Racial Equity: The Business Case

In this 20-minute video we share the book's origin story, our business case, key measures and how to stay connected to this work.
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Gina Greenlee, Margaret H. Greenberg May 13, 2022

“Societal leadership is Now a Core Function of Business…”

…says Edelman, a privately held communications firm with 60 offices around the globe. Every year since 2000 Edelman has conducted a trust and credibility survey. For the 2022 survey they interviewed 38,000 respondents across 28 countries and publish the findings in a report called The Edelman Trust Barometer.
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Gina Greenlee, Margaret H. Greenberg April 5, 2022

Six Reasons Why the Workplace is the Perfect Place

For many people the workplace is the first place, and it may be the only place, where they interact with other people who are different from them – racially, ethnically, religion. We, the coauthors, met in the workplace more than two decades ago. It is likely our paths never would have crossed otherwise. The second […]
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